Tuesday, March 29, 2011

It's a Mom Thing

What is it about having a baby that makes a person speech impaired and forgetful?  Lately, especially lately, I have noticed that I cannot speak properly.  I can’t find the right words for the things I am trying to say.  It is so frustrating!  Sometimes I will ask my husband, “can you get me the, um, well, the THING over there???”  He exasperates me by saying, “thing...what thing?  What are you trying to ask me for?”
It’s almost like there is a disconnect between my mind, what I want to say, and actually spitting it out.  I have noticed this verbalization problem since the day I gave birth to Lucky.  At first, I thought it was a focus issue.  I was so focused on maintaining the life of our pride and joy that I was using all of my brain power on him.  Communicating wasn’t a priority in my head.  Therefore, finding the right words to use at the right time just didn’t happen.
Now that he is 1 and is a big ball of energy, it takes even more brain power to keep up with him.  Working full time adds to the suction of brain cells from my head.  Keeping up with work, doctor’s appointments, a headstrong toddler, getting him to daycare, teaching a Sunday School class, paying bills, preparing taxes, etc... etc... etc...   
Forgetfulness also plays a huge role in my recent “is it a mom thing” symptoms.  Memory loss.  Today is the perfect example.  I took my son to daycare, without his backpack.   I remember seeing the cute little blue Mickey Mouse backpack in the backseat of my car just yesterday afternoon.  How can it disappear overnight?  I don’t remember bringing it inside.  Normally, since it only has a change of clothes in it, I leave it in the car.  After dropping Lucky off this morning, I called hubby to ask him to look around for it at home .  Here is our conversation:
Me: “Honey...”
Him: “Yes...”
Me:  “Lucky doesn’t have his backpack.  I don’t know where it could be.  It wasn’t in my car or at school.”
Him: “Well, where is it?”
Me: “Well, I don’t know. I don’t remember taking it out of the car.  There is no logical reason why I would have taken it out...Will you try to find it at home?”
Him: “Yes, Honey.”
........Thirty minutes pass........
Me: “Honey...”
Him: “Yes...”
Me: “Did you find the backpack?”
Him: “Yes.”
Me: “Great! Where was it?”
Him: “Outside hanging on an azalea!”
Me: “WHAT?  I don’t remember taking it outside!”
Him: “Did you have it with you when you got the mail?”
Me: “No.  It was cold and rainy outside!   We didn’t go outside.”
Him: “Hmmmm.  So you don’t remember where you left it? 
Me: pause...thinking...trying to remember..." no..."

Him: "So you don’t know if I am just messing with you.  This is fun!”
Me: “Yes. You are right.  I don't remember. Well, wherever you found it, could you please take it to Lucky?  He needs a change of clothes at school.”
You see?  My husband aggravates me just for the fun of it.  So today, because of my forgetfulness, little Lucky is at daycare without an extra change of clothes until his Daddy can find time to take it to him.  Poor buddy!
The truth of the matter is, this kind of thing happens all the time.  These conversations happen all the time.  Come to think of it, I am hoping that someone will speak up and say, “Yes! It’s a Mom Thing!” 

1 comment:

  1. I think it's just a factor of how much you have on your plate. You are constantly multi-tasking. Did you know that it's been scientifically proven that women are better multi-taskers than men?
