Sunday, January 30, 2011

Not the best weekend of record

As a working mom, I truly live for the weekend.  I like my job, but right now it is in a state of transition, and I don't love it like I used to.  I love having 2 days at home with my family.  Things usually fall into place, and we make the most of every minute. 

Friday - oh Friday started off pretty bad.  I have been battling the same cold for almost 3 weeks, so that sets the stage.  I had to be at work at 7:00 to help with registration for a conference.  We all woke up at 5:00 AM and started the day.  Lucky was dropped off at daycare at 6:45, and I think he might have been the first child to arrive.  After dealing with ornery conference attendees (one lady was upset because her nametag read N-a-n-c-y.  Mind you, that spelling came from her check.  However, she goes by J-e-n-c-y.  Drama ensued), I walked back to the office and hit the ground running with one request after another.  My new boss called with a list of things to do.  It wouldn't have been so bad if I had felt better and had everything I needed to get the job done.  I am in a temporary office and didn't have access to everything I needed.  I have a sweet suitemate who let me use her temporary office for a while (they are building a wall in our former suite to make two separate offices for us.)  Long story short, as the day went on, I felt worse and worse.  I left at 4 only to pick up a baby who had fallen and bumped his two front teeth.  Everything seems to be OK, but it's pretty scary to pick up your child and see that his gums are bleeding above his two top teeth. After a dose of tylenol (for both of us) and a dinner of leftovers, I was able to get him to sleep without too much trouble and got in bed at 7:30 or so. 

Saturday - Still not feeling up to snuff and blowing yellowish-green out of my nose. Lucky wakes us up at 4:49. AM.   Hubby goes for a morning run and I entertain baby with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I nurse a cup of Theraflu.  I don't even remember the number of fits that Lucky threw.  Maybe he is getting the sickness all over again, too?  To distract ourselves from the frustrating circumstances, we decide to go out to lunch, to Target, and to a birthday party for 4-year-old twins.  Honestly, the bouncy-house birthday party was the highlight of the day.  Lucky fed off the energy of the older kids and had a great time. We went home, ate a frozen pizza and went back to bed for 11 hours or so.

Sunday - still sick.  When will it end?  I am thinking of swiping the humidifier from Lucky's room! Oh - we ignored all advice in every baby book and placed a warm mist humidifier in his room.  I am sidetracking here - we had a cool mist humidifier and used it whenever he was congested for the first 9 months.  Then he got the croup.  The cool mist did nothing to help.  The only relief we got for the 6-or-so days with the croup was from steaming up the bathroom and giving warm juice - all recommendations from a nurse at our pediatrician's office.  After that illness, we ditched the cool mist and bought a warm mist humidifier.  I clean it after each use, and it actually helps.

Back to Sunday...I would have loved to stay home and sent Hubby to church with the baby. BUT - I had to teach Sunday School this morning.  I am teaching 8th grade girls, and after 4 months, they are finally opening up.  For a while there, I was the only one who did any talking.  Anyway...we went to church, came home, put Lucky to sleep and just as I was lying down to nap, he woke up...Dang!  I truly understand and relate to the phrase, "No rest for the weary!"  Last, but certainly not least, Lucky peed all over my shirt and pants just as I was putting him into the tub.  It wouldn't have been so bad if i didn't have my cell phone in the pocket he peed on.  It didn't turn on for a while, but seems to be working after a couple of hours of drying out.
So now, I am here typing and counting the minutes till I can go to bed.  I don't feel rested, and would love to call in sick tomorrow.  But - I can't selfishly use up any more sick days.  I will go to work, start a new week, and pray that things are better next weekend.

Am I the only one who lives for the weekend?

1 comment:

  1. Not fun to be sick with so much to do! Over here in England, they don't have cool mist humidifiers, only warm. We have a warm mist one, and that sucker turns Archer's room into a rainforest. We have to open the window in the morning and really dry it out or we get mildew on everything! But, it works!!
