Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Mom's Weekend - Part II

Sure enough, there was a party going on just outside our hotel...MTV style.

Mind you, we were on the 11th floor.  After staring in disbelief and wondering what in the world we had gotten ourselves into, we unloaded the cart and made a decision to go to the grocery store.  Every elevator that came by was full of screaming teens and we would have to wave them on.  Just as before, the door would open and chanting, hollering, and yelling ensued.  When we were finally ready to give up and abandon the cart, an empty elevator appeared.  We took it back to the lobby and made our way to the car.  The car would prove to be the only peace and quiet we would have on our trip. 

After the grocery store, we had a nice dinner and even discussed, "this isn't so bad."  But our restful dinner was replaced with mass mayhem when we came within 1/4 mile of our hotel.  The hotel was humming and students were stumbling around and yelling all over the place.  We made a mad dash for the elevator and caught one to our floor.  Safe in the hotel room, we got ready for bed.  As predicted, the party was in full swing.  Kids were screaming from their balconies, beating on the railings, and chanting, "Party at the Pool! Party at the Pool!"  or "U-S-A! U-S-A!"  At least they were patriotic. 

The first night, this madness went on until 2:30 in the morning.  It was like a dream, except that we were not asleep - we could not sleep!  We would rest for about ten minutes at a time when the air conditioning unit would turn on and drown out the outside noise.  As soon as it cycled off, we were awake again - running to the window to see what crazy antics these teens were trying to accomplish. 

Where are the parents?  Who in their right mind would allow their teenager to go to spring break in Panama City?  It was the wildest party I have ever seen, and I have been in this world for more than 34 years!  I later found out that at one point - around 2:30 AM, the security guards jumped into the pool after 5 teens, the police arrived, and carted them off to jail.  I have no idea what their offense was, but I was thankful.  Soon after that incident, we were able to get some sleep.

The next morning, I walked onto the balcony and looked in the direction of the pool.  I could not believe that this serene picture was the sight of complete chaos just 5 hours earlier.  Security guards were walking around the pool area.  Someone had picked up a huge pile of soaking wet clothes, flip flops, and swim suits and put it all on a large bench near the pool.  The entire property seemed to be asleep! 

My friend went to the work out room while I made my way to the beach.  It was overcast, but the sounds of the ocean were so peaceful compared to the maddness we had experienced the night before. 

Later, we devised a game-plan for battling the drunkards.  We drove to Target, bought a box fan (white noise), ear plugs, and benadryl.  We then went to a spa and had mani- and pedicures.  The hotel was unusually quiet when we returned around lunchtime.  The teens were still asleep.  We were able to lay out on the beach and relax for about 2 hours before the hoodlums returned to the beach. 

Later, we had an early dinner and came back to the hotel just in time for the party to begin at the pool deck.  We, of course, retreated to our room on the 11th floor.

I am happy to report that the white noise from the fan (on setting 3), Benadryl, and ear plugs sufficiently blocked out the noise from the wild party happening all around us.  The next time we plan a "mom's weekend away," we will research thoroughly the spring break schedules, choose another gulf coast location, and take our party aversion remedies just in case!



  2. this is hilarious! By the way, there is a free iphone app called sound machine or noise machine. I always use that at hotels.
